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Add support for vector data formats to gvSIG Mini

on Fri, 16/12/2011 - 10:00

gvsig-gpe is a library for reading and writing data in GML format, through the use of events. It does not depend on any geometry data model, providing the raw data to the application. Initially developed for the GML format, it supports the registration of readers and writers for any other formats, like KML and GPX.

The student should study the gvsig-gpe library and build the connectors necessary to allow gvSIG Mini consume the library. The application should be able to read/parse files in GPX format and KML format, convert the data into the gvSIG Mini geometries model (points, lines and polygons) and draw the information on a new layer.

Mission of the project

The project will consist in build the handler to process the gvsig-gpe events and add vectorial overlays to the base raster layer, at least points, lines, polygons and their alphanumerical data should be processed.

So we will have in one hand gvSIG Mini on the other the gvsig-gpe library and in the middle the gvSIG Mini gpe handlers (this project). Also some code will need to be write in gvSIG Mini to display the data of the features to the user.

This will open a new set of capabilities to gvSIG Mini either for casual or professional use.

  • Add support to gvsig-gpe into gvSIG Mini
  • Develop a GPX provider for gvsig-gpe
  • Load local and remote GPX, KML and GML files
Project milestones
  1. Study gvsig-gpe and build gvSIG Mini workspace
  2. Study GPX format and develop a provider for GPE
  3. Write event handlers for GPE parsers
  4. Build a driver to load GPE files into gvSIG Mini
Links or resources

Student name: 
Fernando Pinotti Llácer
Student profile: 
Is needed a tutor?: 
Tutor name: 
Alberto Romeu Carrasco
Estimated dates: 
Sunday, 1 May, 2011 to Thursday, 1 September, 2011
Average: 3.6 (7 votes)


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