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JASPA and gvSIG integration
Mission of the project
The use of light databases (DB) for storage space and its subsequent exploitation in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a trend in recent years in some of the most widely used proprietary GIS applications. Such databases solve several problems in the management of geographic information:
allow relational modeling of geographic information, not supported by traditional file-based formats like shapefile (shp).
facilitate the exchange of geographic information between users.
reduce the maximum management needs and resource consumption, compared with corporate DB.
In the world of free software include the project JASPA (JAva SPAtial1). JASPA functions as an extension that adds support for geographic information databases such as Postgre SQL and H2.
On the side of GIS applications, gvSIG is an application that brings together under a single and friendly interface, a great set of functionality aimed at the capture, storage, editing, management, analysis and presentation of geographic information. gvSIG allows access to different data formats, including access to PostGIS databases.
The integration between gvSIG and H2 using the JASPA project is very limited and is tied to particular versions of both products.
With the launch of the new version of gvSIG (currently in version 2.0 Alpha) will be possible to develop a driver that would allow access geographic information stored in H2 through JASPA extension.
The development of this driver will also allow access to geographic functionality integrated in JASPA from gvSIG.
The goal of this project is the development of a driver that provides access to geographic information stored in H2 via JASPA from gvSIG.
The driver must be compatible at least with versions 2 of gvSIG and 0.2 JASPA.
Project milestones
List of minimal requirements of the project to make the connection as light as possible.
Development of the project.
Botella, A.; Muñoz, A.; Olivella, R.; Olmedillas, J.C. ; Pérez, A. (Coord); Rodríguez, J. (2011) Introducción a los sistemas de información geográfica y geotelemática. Colección Manuales. Editorial UOC. 348 pp.
Bosque Sendra, Joaquín (2000) Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Ed. Rialp. S.A. Madrid. 452 pp.
Longley, P.A.; Goodchild, M.F.;Maguire, D.J. y Rhind, D.W. (Ed.) Geographic Information Systems and Science. 2ª ed. Wiley. 2005. 536 pp.
Other links or resources
- Final report of the project (in Spanish)