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Spread submission guidelines

Files submitted must meet the following conditions:

  1. Each material must have a maximum size of 2 MB, except posters (15 MB).

  2. It's a compulsory requirement to send an image of each material submitted,  although those materials are text files such as brochures, posters, covers...

  3. Whenever possible, materials also must be submitted in editable formats such as SVG, ODP or ODT so that they can be modified and new materials can be created from them.

  4. Allowed formats:

    • Images: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, TIFF
    • Sources: SVG, ODT, ODP, ODG, XCF (formato de GIMP), AI, PSD *.

If more than three materials are submitted, it is strongly encouraged to compress all the materials in only one file (ZIP, 7z, TAR...)

* Although some proprietary formats are allowed, we encourage use of formats that are easily readable in Open Source programs.