gvSIG for coastal management
Contact name:
Fernando Sánchez
Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte. Generalitat Valenciana
División de Puertos y Costas. Dirección General de Transportes, Puertos y Costas
Other software:
There was a GIS developed using MapObjects that supported shape and dxf data formats. It was necessary to migrate to a free GIS and develop more functionalities:
- Development of a GIS to manage geoinformation related to the Valencian coast
- Use of a spatial database and access to it through OGC services
- Development of not georeferred image analysis tools
- Development of a coastal management extension for gvSIG Desktop.
- Integration of coastal geographic information files to a PostGIS database.
- Use of OGC standard data formats.
- The benefits of free software released under the GNU/GPL License.
- Better access to data and the benefits of working with spatial databases and Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).
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