WG-Edit: a new gvSIG extension for the street cadastre management
- ArcView 3 is no more supported by ESRI
- WgEDIT extension for ArcView3 is no longer supported
- Avenue is an old language (it is difficult to implement new customizations)
- The basic road network and the attributes of the roads are currently managed by two different technologies
The WG-Edit extension for gvSIG is developed.
Peculiarities of this project are its service oriented architecture and the management of the entire 4D-streets digitalization process, which includes aspects such as user authorizations, historical support, notifications of changes, observation of bilingualism and topological model constraints. The data layer is not vendor specific because it’s implemented through standard functionality of the most popular RDBMS.
In order to promote interoperability, the interactions between client (gvSIG) and server occurs via Web Services: the client doesn’t care about the specific server implementation, it just needs to know which service to invoke.
Openness of the system is a crucial objective of the WG-Edit extension: data exchange is obtained through textual messages in standard format (OGC GML for geometries and XML for everything else) and only OGC services are used for maps (WMS and WFS).
Goals of this project are:
- Topologically correct network
- One single software managing geometries and attributes
- Standard OGC webservices for data access
- Simplification of editing procedures
- Management by wizards
- Management of Z coordinate
- User notification system of data update
- Further customization possibilities
The main result of the project (and main contribute to the gvSIG community) has been the management of 4D-streets (although writing of M dimension is still to fix in gvSIG). Another important result achieved has been the porting of the already existing WG-Edit extension, from ArcView 3.2 to gvSIG, a key step for the full migration of the Wege project towards the gvSIG platform.
The usage of such extension, in combination with the other Wege extension (WG-Eventi), unveils the users the full power of the Wege project: offer to a potentially unlimited number of users, without any license fees or royalties, a set of powerful desktop tools for the management (reading and writing) of the geographic data of the street infrastructure.
Last but not least, the development of this extension remarkably contributed to the gvSIG community with the discovery of several gvSIG bugs (especially for WFS), submitting of patches and active participation to the gvSIG international mailing list.
- Presentation at the 6th International gvSIG Conference.
- Poster at the 6th International gvSIG Conference.
- Article at the 6th International gvSIG Conference.