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Cátedra gvSIG, Sistemas de Información Geográfica libres: Formación, investigación y desarrollo y transferencia de conocimiento en el ámbito del software libre


La creación de la Cátedra gvSIG, Sistemas de Información Geográfica libres, ha sido Fruto de una larga y frúctifera Relación ( entre la UMH y la Asociación gvSIG, que comenzó el 23 de abril de 2011 con la jornada celebrada en la EPSO "Sistema de Información Geográfica en Software Libre: gvSIG". 

Desde entonces hemos contado con el Soporte Técnico y profesorado de la Asociación gvSIG , lo que ha permitido realizar con éxito:

  • 6 ediciones del curso gvSIG con Cartografía Catastral
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Methodology for Monitoring the Global Urban Expansion


Nowadays over half the world's populations lives in urban areas. It is expected that this urban areas double its population and probably triple its land area within 30 years. The way in which this urban areas manage its expansion will determine the quality of life of its population. Urban expansion, thus, is a global critical issue and one of the biggest concerns at UN-Habitat, the UN Human Settlements Programme.

Average: 5 (3 votes)

International diffusion of gvSIG through training activities


The development of an open source software is strictly to its diffusion worldwide and to the number of active users that works in testing activities and feeding mailing lists. International consultants, as well as local technicians, working in the framework of projects in developing countries have often raised the problem of lack in knowledge and skill for collect, store and analyse geographical data in several fields such as environment, health and socio-economic sectors.

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