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Digital field mapping with Geopaparazzi and gvSIG


Geopaparazzi is an application for fast field surveys. Its simplicity and the possibility to use it on as good as any android smartphone makes it a trusty field companion for engineers and geologists, but also for tourists who wish to keep a geodiary and any user that needs to be aware of his position even in offline mode.

In Geopaparazzi it is possible to create text, picture and sketch notes and place them on the map. Notes can also be complex and form based in order to standardize surveys in which many people need to be coordinated.

The data collected in the field can be exported as KMZ or

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Analysis of the value chain for leather products in San Lorenzo street market


A research about leather shops (an important business for the city of Florence) in the San Lorenzo Market, in the historic centre of Florence. Two main topics have to be analysed: working conditions, since most of shop employees are without regular contract and/or underpaid, the lack of protection policies for the worldwide well known “Made in Italy”.

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