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gvSIG for Registration Mining

Contact name: 
Amelia del Rey
The Industry, Trade and Innovation Ministry of the Valencian Community

In 2007 an adaptation and creation of a new group on gvSIG functionalities to pre-plot maps, to register mining records on a base map and to obtain reports was developed by the company Prodevelop for the Industry, Trade and Innovation Ministry of the Valencian Community.


gvSIG for Registration Mining connects to a database SQL Server 2005. This database is the main repository for all the Registrations Mining of the Valencian Community. The application was developed by using a "wizard" that allows to:

  • Manage sessions.
  • Search different mining records database, based on various parameters
  • Define the parameters of the layout of the map is based on the size of the mining recorder (paper size, print scale, …)
  • Modify the attributes related to the the mining recorder and finally show on the map
  • Selection of the symbolism and style of the place names.
  • Generate the map: Once the map has been generated, it can be printed in PDF format
  • Generate  supplementary reports with the coordinates of the mining

The access to the database  SQL Server 2005  has been made via JDBC  by using the user authentication in Windows 2000. The tables in the database have been mapped by FireStorm DAO tool, thus generating a library of different objects that form a Resgistration Mining.

The application interface has been performing with Swing objects and the the map has been dynamically generated by using internal map objects of gvSIG, based on the location and  attributes of the mining.

The Coordinate's report was automatically generated with the help of iText tools and the integrated support in the application was made ​​with JHelp.

  • Improvement of mapping tools
  • A better management of  alphanumeric data and its update in the Data Base
  • A better and fast way of getting  visual reports
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