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GIS applications in forest and urban environment in East Africa


Collect, store, edit and publish the collected field data in a WebGIS, easy-to-manage and update in order to share all the achieved results as a very important tool in developing countries.

GISMAP has supported two projects for development cooperation, one in Kenya and another one in Somaliland.

In both cases, available environmental and urban information were not updated, collected in a not well structured method and stored in paper format without any possibility of geographic analysis and update.

Local technicians had poor computer skill and there was no possibility of sharing important data

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gvSIG applications in East Africa – Kenya and Somaliland


The availability of well structured geographic data together with the possibility of a regular updating, represent a very important tool worldwide and in particular in developing countries.

Somaliland local government is trying to develop a policy of transfer of knowledge in different sector and, among these, the capacity of urban management and planning. In this framework, GISMAP has supported the Italian ONG Terre Solidali, to train the Gabiley Municipality technical staff and make them able to produce precision “cadastral” maps of buildings together with a socio-economic survey.


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